Recap - Heureka Founders Conference 2018
At the beginning of June we had the chance to be part of the Heureka Founders Conference Agenda. In between the vibe of young and ambitious Tech and Food Startups we set up a Workshops area and put the Lego® bricks on the table.
We showed the crowed in a short (45mins) teaser the basic principles of the method. In small teams of 4 and 5 they build 3D-models of their conference expectations and found surprising answers to the question:
"What would your day look like, if you get a basic income and would not have to work anymore?"
““I was surprised how easy it was to approach serious topics with this playful method and how quick I got to know the other people in my team. In a really short time.” ”
The learning objective in this workshop was to let your hands think and just start to do and not have a long meeting with yourself in year head. The method was a lot of fun for everyone but also uncovered deep insights and subconscious thoughts and hidden wishes. The 3D-models helped to lead a constructive conversation with the team and to reflect what the hands did. Surprising was for example the following observation:
““We asked what would you do if you would not have to work anymore and it was really surprising that at one table everyone did a model which symbolized work and family. No one abandoned work from their daily life but integrated their family more consequently.””